Lean Construction was introduced in the 1990’s and based upon the principles of Lean Manufacturing introduced in the 1930’s by the Toyota automobile company. Using lean practices, the idea is to maximize performance for the customer, our employees, distributors and everyone engaged in a project. Standard construction methods generally rely on a mass production mindset which allows for silos within an organization creating unpredictability, lost time and waste. The key principles of Lean Construction include:
At Lor-Mar our adoption of Lean Construction principles allows us to use fewer materials which means reduced costs for everyone. Installation times can be reduced through team planning at every phase of a project. By following a coordinated plan, we can achieve higher safety rates by keeping everyone focused on each stage of work. Keeping our eye on pull planning and scheduling the overall timeline is more reliable and a higher quality installation is achieved. Following these guidelines increases our productivity, employee accountability, material costs, profitability and customer satisfaction.
When we adopted Lean Construction we learned that we had to understand what our customers final product expectations are. Listening to the customer is essential to eliminating waste and managing the project timeline. We have been providing commercial HVAC retrofits and service solutions since 1997. We have extensive experience with the unique infrastructure of Philadelphia’s historic buildings and our clients rely on our knowledge to provide quality retrofitting on time and on budget. We serve businesses and facilities in the Philadelphia metro area and the greater areas of Wilmington, DE and Allentown, PA as well as Southern New Jersey. Our clients include commercial healthcare, education, industrial, and retail businesses providing a full range of HVAC, Plumbing, and Sheet Metal Services. Implementing Lean Construction processes allows us to take a holistic approach to what we deliver to clients, saving them time, business interruption and installation costs.